Sunday, 28 April 2013

How Is A Blog ‘Visit’ Different From A ‘Pageview’?

Saturday was one of those cloudy days with enough drizzling rain to make it a bad idea to head outside and start any jobs like polishing, mowing lawns or weeding.  For sure, if Paulette and I had begun any of those, the skies would have opened up and it would have poured.  So, we took a day off of work to see what Sunday brings.

A Pageview milestone reached on my blog Saturday – 1 million!!pageviews

On days like that it’s common for me to drift off to my computer room to play around, check out what’s new and even to respond to any email questions from readers.  One question I did get is quite a common one and it’s “what’s the difference between a ‘pageview’ and a ‘visit’ with respect to blog statistics?”   When I went to my Dashboard to look at my Stats page, I noticed that overnight the Pageviews for my blog had ticked over the 1 million mark!  Yahoo!

How much time do you spend blogging per week compared to:Time-spent-on-blogging-each-week-by-bloggers.png

I’ve never been a slave to blogger stats and seldom even look at them but it was nice to see the 1 million milestone number.  Since I began blogging in May, 2009 I’ve always been more interested in comments on my posts than with the stats stuff.  Still, it is good to know what these numbers mean so I’ll try and provide a simple explanation for those of you who use counters like Sitemeter:


The number of visits displayed in your blog stats counter shows the number of times anyone accessed your blog during a given time period. Each access is counted once.  The stats counters use the IP Address and/or Cookies to distinguish new visitors per day from repeat visitors. 

So, in simple terms, if Russ, Rod, Paul, Donna, Sam, Janna and Judy visited your blog in one day that would count as 7 visits no matter whether they returned in the morning, noon or night – it’s still 7 visits because it’s only 7 unique visitors.  That’s Visits!

For any computer wiseguys out there looking to analyze what I’m saying here, I know there are things to consider like “unique vs total” visitors and the same visitor using a different computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone - just trying to keep this simple!



A Pageview is counted each time a visitor looks at a page on your blog.  Some visitors will read your current post for the day and then move on to someone else’s blog without ever clicking on any links in your post.  That will result in a count of 1 Pageview for your stats counter.

So, if 7 visitors look at your post and then move on to the next blog without ever clicking on a link in your post, that’s 7 Pageviews.  But, let’s say one visitor clicks on your sidebar simply to view your complete Profile, a new page is loaded and that counts as a Pageview as well.  And, if you have 10 photos and each is clicked to enlarge the photo – that’s 10 more – you’re  now up to 12 Pageviews!!  That’s Pageviews!

Stats showing a fairly typical Pageviews to Visits relationshipblog_stats_1205

So, as you can see from the above definitions there is a good reason why Pageviews in your blog stats are usually higher than Visits.  It’s because of a Visitor hanging around and clicking links on your blog whether it be photos, a profile or a sidebar link to an older post.  What does all this mumbo-jumbo mean?  Nothing really unless you’re the type of blogger who lives and dies by numbers – a horrible fate!

Have a great Sunday, and thanks again for visiting!

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