Thursday, 8 November 2012

We Got Needled Today And Not About Politics

When I say ‘we got needled’, I’m talking about me, Molly and Rylie.  In my case, I went to the clinic Wednesday morning to get a Tetanus booster shot followed by a Shingles Vaccine.  Then, just for good measure, I had a few vials of blood drawn to complete the physical I had on Tuesday morning.  Molly and Rylie both had appointments at the Vet for their annual check-up and vaccines.

These 8 little newborn Springer Spaniel puppies were in for shotsIMG_6368

My physical on Tuesday went extremely well and Dr. John J. was very impressed with my weight loss.  According to his records I was down a total of 24lbs from my physical at the same time last year.  Other than that everything else seemed to check out o.k. including my blood pressure which was perfectly normal.  I got out with no further tests required except for the usual blood work – and no lectures!

Our Vet’s new expanded offices – ‘we helped build that’!IMG_6369

Yesterday afternoon it was Molly and Rylie’s turn to get needled as it was time for their annual check-ups.  Walking into the Vet’s we saw that the big re-model and expansion of their offices was complete.  It’s a good feeling to know that we have contributed so directly over the years to the construction costs of this beautiful facility!  We were lucky yesterday as after exams, shots and some medicine we got out of there for only $199.  Usually, it’s around $300!

Windows 8

When it comes to new computer software and operating systems, I have absolutely no willpower.  After saying a week or so ago that I would be leaving Windows 7 on my desktop computer for a while, I gave in a few days ago and upgraded to Windows 8. I just couldn’t stand looking over at my old laptop running Windows 8 while I was plugging along on my desktop with good old Windows 7!


After leaving the Vet’s office we just carried on and went for a hike up to the water tower on Cobble Hill Mountain.  It was a nice, cool, crisp fall day with no rain.  I was kind of tired later in the afternoon as I’d stayed up past midnight watching the final election returns on Tuesday.  It’s a pretty rare when I stay up that late so I was beat.


Paulette and I just watched a few recorded programs last night before deciding we’d rather go to bed a bit early and read our books. 

Have a great Thursday, and thanks again for visiting!

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