Sunday, 5 May 2013

Saturday Chores - Weedwacking & Grass Mowing

Paulette and I both ran out of our favourite cold breakfast cereals a few days ago and we haven’t had a chance to stop by Costco to stock up on more.  So, in the meantime, she’s been making us Oatmeal instead.  I’d almost forgotten how much I liked oatmeal especially with brown sugar.  It was a staple for us as kids growing up only then we called it porridge. 

Mt. Tzouhalem on FridayIMG_4239

It was back to work in the yard for us on Saturday.  We got off to a kind of slow start so it was getting pretty warm by late morning and by early afternoon it was all the way up into the mid-70’s which is quite warm for Vancouver Island even in the summer.  It’s actually a great temperature though and perfect for wearing a t-shirt and shorts for working outside.  Hopefully, we’re in for a nice summer.


For the first time this year, I bravely hauled my Stihl Weedwacker out of the shed to see if it would start.  This machine and I have had problems communicating over the 5 years I’ve owned it but late last summer I decided to add just a bit more gas to the 2-cycle mix with oil and that made a huge difference.  Anyway, I primed the pump on the Stihl, set it in choke position and pulled the cord – nada, zilch!


I pulled the cord again and this time I heard the engine try to spurt to life for just a second – there was hope after all.  About then, I remembered the Stihl repairman telling me that after I heard it try to start while the choke was on to turn the choke off and set it to run.  I did that, pulled the cord and vroom, vroom, vroom – it was off and running.  Only 3 pulls on the cord – simply amazing.  I love this Stihl.


It didn’t take me long to whip around the back yard and trim all the edges of the lawn and Paulette’s rose gardens.  I tried to very, very careful anywhere near the gardens though as I’ve been known to get kind’a wild with this weedwacker.  Flush with success from starting the Stihl, I pulled our Lawn Boy gas mower out of the shed, started it up on the 2nd pull and cut the back lawn.  By then, I was finished.


Neither Paulette nor I felt like a long hike yesterday after climbing part way up Mt. Tzouhalem on Friday.  Instead we just took Molly and Rylie to one of our old stand-by’s – the Mill Bay Nature Park.  It doesn’t seem to matter where we take the muttzo’s as they seem to enjoy all of them the same.  We spent a quiet evening at home doing whatever each of us felt like doing – sewing for Paulette and flipping back and forth between a few hockey games for me.

Have a great Sunday, and thanks again for visiting!

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