Saturday, 22 December 2012

A Day To Rest Up And Relax Waiting For Christmas

Following our big Thursday night dinner out in Victoria, Paulette and I spent a very quiet day at home yesterday.  When I sat down after dinner to write something for this blog I really had to stop and think about what, if anything, I’d done all day.  The answer was not much other than the taking Molly and Rylie for a walk in the afternoon.

Paulette whipped up this quilted sleeve for her new iPadIMG_0271

Just because I had a very quiet day it doesn’t meant Paulette wasn’t busy.  She was up way too early Friday morning and while I was still in bed I could hear her sewing machine whirring away in the next room.  When I got up just before 7am, Paulette was still busy on the quilt frame machine so I just figured it was one of her regular quilt projects she always seems to be working on.

A very clever touch to put all those apples on an Apple iPad CoverIMG_0269

This project, however, turned out to be a special one.  A few hours later Paulette emerged from her cave (aka sewing room) to show me the quilted sleeve she had made for her iPad.  It comes with a small pouch in front for storing the charging cable and even though it has a green button on front that’s just for show.  The top folds over easily and closes using Velcro – pretty clever. 

A few practice shots of some familiar scenes with my new cameraIMG_0199

With our departure date just a week away now and with Christmas in between, I figured I’d better get busy packing.  My main job other than my clothes is to make sure we bring along all of our required gizmos, gadgets, cables, receivers, chargers and other assorted paraphernalia.  It’s getting to be a big job and I have to use a list so as not to forget some essential item like a laptop power cord.

This photo was taken under very difficult lighting conditionsIMG_0206

The gizmo’s can’t be packed into the 5’er until the day before we leave because we’re using most of them so yesterday I decided to do the easy part and carry some clothes out.  That included 14 T-shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, a pair of sandals and some new running shoes.  I figured that should do me for about 90% of the time in Palm Springs and it only took me about 30 minutes – not bad!

Again, difficult lighting with shade and sun glare off the waterIMG_0251

When we went for our afternoon walk I spent some time taking a few practice shots with my new Canon G15 camera.  I tried to find some difficult shots facing the sun to see how my pics turned especially with a lot of glare.  I was very happy with the results especially since I took the shots with the camera on ‘auto’.  I really noticed a big difference between this G15 and my old G10.  The new camera has a lens that is much, much faster, brighter and has a lightning fast auto-focus.  I can’t wait to take a lot more shots down south.

Have a great Saturday, and thanks again for visiting!

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