Saturday, 9 February 2013

A Perfect Day For Reading My New Lincoln Book

What perfect timing – the Killing Lincoln book co-authored by Bill O’Reilly arrived here in Friday morning’s mail thanks to my good  lincolnblogging friend Rod (Retired Rod) over in Mesa.  Thanks again, Rod, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness!

The timing was perfect because the wind was howling before noon and it even brought a few clouds in with the odd scattered rain shower in the afternoon.

This was the perfect day to sit back in my Lazy Boy, put my feet up, and just read without ever having to feel the least bit guilty about not being outside getting some exercise like hiking, swimming or golf.  On the other hand, I don’t really feel guilty at all about doing nothing sometimes!

I couldn’t find tape to cover O’Reilly’s name but my hands workIMG_0696

While on the subject of this book and, in particular, its co-author Bill O’Reilly, Rod and I have engaged in some good natured banter this week about Mr. O’Reilly including me referring to O’Reilly as a wacko both in a comment on Rod’s blog and in my own post.  As one might expect that did generate a few comments on my own blog with some appearing to agree with my assessment.  But, not all – here’s what one commenter had to say about my calling O’Reilly a wacko:

Commenter:  February 7, 2013 at 6:37 PM:  Please refrain from any character assassination and just blog about travel and good books and movies and tech tips.


  1. Rick Doyle  February 7, 2013 at 7:33 PM  I'll just continue to blog about what I want to o.k., but thanks for your suggestion anyway!

  2. Commenter:  February 8, 2013 at 5:49 AM  Then I'll just stop following your blog. If I want blogs that call people that they don't know liars and wackos I would read political blogs.

  3. Rick Doyle  February 8, 2013 at 7:19 AM  Like all of us, you can elect to read or not read whatever blogs you wish.

The commenter and my own replies speak for themselves.  I have no problems at all with this person, or any other for that matter, taking issue with something I say in my blog – heck, they can even call me names if they want to!  It’s all part of the fun of blogging to me. What I do have a problem with, however, is when commenters attribute words to me that I never wrote - as this person did.

In reply #2 above, the Commenter wrote in part “If I want blogs that call people that they don't know liars and wackos I would read political blogs.”  While it’s true I did call O’Reilly a wacko (and, I still think he is), I never used the word “liars”.  I’ve re-read what I wrote and never does the word “liars” appear anywhere.

Yes, Bill O’Reilly is a “Wacko!”s-BILL-OREILLY-large300

While I’m on this subject, in a fortuitous bit of luck for me, on his Thursday show on Pox News, Bill O'Reilly slammed what he called "far left loons" who accused him of getting his facts wrong earlier in the week when he said that he had seen “nothing” at all on NBC news about the controversial drone program.  This despite the fact that it was Michael Isikoff of NBC News who actually broke the story that was then picked up by all other networks including Pox.

And he probably thinks folks like me are far left loonies!09n-Loonie

NBC News ran with the story they broke for several days both on their Nightly News and on several MSNBC talk shows.  Multiple websites pointed out to O’Reilly that he was 100% wrong.  He stated that  he would address the matter on Thursday. And address it he did! "More deceit from the far left!" he boomed at the end of his show. "For 17 long years, these loons have been trying to marginalize me.”  That is why I think O’Reilly is a wacko!  No doubt, he would think I’m a Loon!

Now, quietly back to my book for a few relaxing hoursIMG_0694

Have a great Saturday, and thanks again for visiting!

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